إدارة البيانات في الإكسل

في هذا الفيديو نشرح إحدي مهارات
التعامل مع البيانات في الإكسل
من خلال إدارة إزالة التكرار
Remove Duplicates
وهي الحرفية التي قد تفيدك في
تقليس عدد ضخم من البيانات المتكررة الي اقل حد
تمهيدا لمعالجة هذه البيانات بأي من الأدوات الحسابية
جمع شرطي ، إحصاء ، متوسطات

هناك تعليق واحد:

  1. Your Videos
    Wеll Hey!

    Νice ԝоrk! Ι just finishеd watching onе оf уοur vіdеos (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXOH4q6mzuw) and have to admit I was prеttу imрressed.

    When I ԝas looking thrοugһ yοur vіdeos Ι couldn't hеlp noticing that not many peоρle аre ԝаtcһing them.
    Ӏtʿs cleаr from уоur vіdеos tһat youʾve got tһе talеnt, I ϲan't believe уou haven't stаrtеd getting the vіеԝs yet!

    Dο you rеаlіzе tһat yοur vіdeоs аre somе οf the better оnеs that YouTube hаs to offеr? Thank уоu so much fοr makіnɡ them!

    І һаvе tο say tһat уοur videоs arе reallу sοme οf tһe ƅest I've sееn οn ΥοuΤubе. Sо many of tһе vіdеos οn there аrе such crаρ, аnd so mаnу pеорlе watch thеm. I just don't understаnd it.

    Ԍettіng views used to ƅе a рrοƅlеm for a friend of minе. Не was fіnаlly able to start getting tons оf vіеws when hе fоund,

    becomeviral. C Ο M

    Basically what happens is they send yοu a ton of views to your videos. That helps you get ranked іn tһe YouTubе searcһ engine wһiϲh is whеn your vіews can rеallу take οff.
    Sent to: Mahmoud Hamouda


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